New York Skyline

New York Skyline

Monday, May 4, 2015

Cheeee pono and Pics!

Hey all!

Happy Star Wars day!

This week has been interesting.

Yesterday we taught a gentleman named John Garcia. Nice guy! He believes that Jesus is an alien sent by higher beings to teach humans basic principles and to make us believe in deity. A little strange.

The next time we go over he's going to show us his UFO pictures as well as Bigfoot pictures.... Oh. Did I mention he was a professional bouncer back in the day in Manhattan. He's about 6'4" and weighs a good 290 pounds. Also has a tattoo that reads 'HELZBOUNCER' on his forearm. Over all a nice guy though! He's either 5% crazy and 95% sane, or he's 100% crazy. We're not quite sure yet!

We played soccer again this week! It was super awesome. We had a bunch of Chapines there and some Dominicans. I love the Dominicans! They're legit! I used some Dominica dichos on them and they thought that was the coolest thing ever!

We have some new missionaries in our district. We have a Hawaiian and a sister missionary from Paraguay. They are awesome. Sister Jahnel doesn't speak English very well, but she's super awesome. She spent the last few transfers in Jamaica, which is where I really really want to go. It's the craziest part of NYC, the most dangerous too from what I've heard. Maybe next transfer!


Have a good week!

Elder Payne

Fun with a sleeping missionary and a leaf blower! All we do here in NYC is party!
 That's elder Purcell in both of those. And elder law is playing sleeping beauty.